Category Archives: How To

How to Prevent and Unclog a Shower Drain

A daily shower provides an opportunity to clean up and relax. Because filthy water collects on the floor under your feet when your shower drain becomes clogged, your shower suddenly seems considerably less clean and less enjoyable. Shower clogs may be caused by a variety of factors that occur during typical usage and over time if left untreated may need professional assistance. Keep reading to find out how to prevent and unclog your shower drain.

How To Clean a Garbage Disposal?

Cleaning your trash disposal may help prevent and eliminate smells, and specific cleaning procedures can also assist the drain in your kitchen sink clear. When the sink begins to smell terrible, it's a solid indicator that the trash disposal and drain need to be cleaned. While trash disposals may conceal food waste in an out-of-sight, out-of-mind area of your kitchen sink, this does not imply you can ignore your disposal throughout your kitchen cleaning habit. Garbage disposals are great sites for bacteria development since they are often moist or wet and have various items flushed down them, which is stinky at best and a health danger at worst. Once a month is a decent starting point for cleaning your trash disposal, but high consumption necessitates more regular cleaning. Learn how to clean your garbage disposal now.